Florida Trip

Fighting For Their Life...

My Mom and Uncle Randy continue to battle unrelenting doctor's visits, chemo, radiation, tests, and medication, but... their faith remains strong. These two, brother & sister, keep their prayers up and bad news down. As they press on, please pray for total healing and restoration in their young bodies.

Florida wildlife

Florida Wildlife... and yes that does include the Iglesias Family!

Don't kiss the frog!

What a wonderful, unexpected turn of events... Everyone in the family was able to drop what they were doing and head to Florida to visit with Uncle Randy. For us that also meant seeing Nana G & Grandpa Dan. They were able to turn on their roles as cool grandparents right away. As always, the trip was too short.

Blizzard Beach Florida

Family Time

Family Reunion at Tomoka State Park

The Iglesias family was long over due for a reunion. Everyone was able to take off from work and other duties to get together. We laughed over old memories and gave a big round applause to our two champion fighters Uncle Randy and my Mom.
Remember to keep them in your prayers as the continue to battle cancer!

Daytona Beach

Pizza Party after game

Graham's Last Game


I'm not really going to explain this picture. If you have never done this... you might be saying "what the heck?" If you have done this well, this won't seem so strange! I love the smoke coming out of Graham's ear.

Mother's Day 2009

Here are my beautiful children forced to take a picture with me on Mother's Day. I did make them pose and smile and Jordan would have nothing to do with that! He is upset cause he already got one spanking and did not want to be cooperative. Aren't children suppose to be total angels on these special days??? The only thing I would change is seeing my own Mother on Mother's Day... or any day for that matter. She is still on chemo so please pray for her. Hope every Mother had a wonderful day.

A shout out to Joe

As I do my afternoon surfing I just wanted to give a shout out to Joe. Randy is my main squeeze, but Joe is my afternoon pick-me-up. It's hot and delish and I feel so motivated drinking it and when I'm done. I remember as a kid, feeling confused as to why grown ups would just go and 'have coffee'. Oh- I so understand now. I love to just go and 'have coffee'. I don't think I go and 'have coffee' enough. Randy does not share my passion on this, but I am not a closet drinker. I have married a sweet tea/Gatorade man and that's the way it shall forever be. So as I sit here sipping my vanilla flavored joe with truvia and fat free creamer... I am in bliss. I love you Joe!

Playdough and Toothpicks

We spent a Saturday creating the most awesome aliens. Graham wanted to destroy them. We put up a good fight, but in the end... His 42, 2" long, wooden wall of fierceness was no match for me and Hannah's plastic knife. A rematch is in order... we just have to go to Wal-Mart and enlist some more dough!