Thankful for LOVE!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my Hubby and my beautiful children!


We went to Marie's for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time and I definitely ate way too much. We were blessed with gorgeous weather! Hope everyone a restful, delicious, thankful day!

Nova, all tucked in

Could this dog be anymore spoiled? I think not. She is such an old lady these days. Around 8 pm or so she just disappears into Grahams room and goes to bed. We covered her up, of coarse, but she loved it nonetheless. All she needs now is a spot at the table.

Tree Fort

Randy has started a project. Yes you know what that means... call the hospital and give them a warning and watch for all falling objects. Nah- just kidding. He has been wanting to build the boys a tree fort forever. Jordan is too young to enjoy so Graham will take all the pleasure. It's between 3 trees and get's more complicated as the days go by. He has done and excellent job. Graham is so excited to get up there with his paintball gun and shoot the enemy! More pictures to come...

My boys!

I am not one of those Moms that is always dressing her children the same. It just happen to be one day that they both had the grey cammo on. I thought it was sooooooo adorable. Can I say cammo is adorable? Anyway- it is quite funny for a mostly vegetarian family to have so much cammo in the house (see next picture down), but we are not hunters! Graham is fully obsessed with the military right now! I tell ya, it is making him learn about American history soooo much easier.

Can you see them?

So, Randy comes home with a paintball gun for himself and Graham and now... my backyard looks like a kindergarten painting! Graham LOVES it! Randy took him to some woods to go shooting. They pretended to track the enemy. Randy was Captain Ramsey and Graham was Private Jenkins (?) Randy said Graham would pick up a pine cone and say it was the enemy's phone and Graham would call HQ for some BU. They had a blast!
When the got home they cleaned their guns and had a cold, frosty lemonade!!!

Held together with glue!

These two... I tell ya... peas and carrots!!! Momma? Momma who? Graham is all about Daddy and doing Daddy things! One day Graham was eating his lunch and all of a sudden, out of the blue, he looks at me and says, "I have the greatest Daddy in the world, don't I?" And I say [of coarse] "Yes you do!" They have manly nights and do very manly things like fart and talk about guns. Something I could never fabricate... well!

What a smile!

So... you see the blanket? First I had a passy kid, then I had a thumb sucker... with Jordan we now have experienced, first hand, the blankie! That boy loves his blanket. Or should I say 'bikie'. At first any soft, fuzzy baby blanket would do, but this blue one has become "the one". I haven't dragged it to the grocery store yet, but it's coming. He searches for it and tonight he wanted to put it in the bath tub with him. We got through the passy, still working on the thumb, sure... throw one more habit on the barbie!

My Princess

That's my girl! She poses with her hand raised...? She has really been quite the little talker lately with oh-so many questions. She is writing her name and now has started on other letters of the alphabet. Sitting and listening to a second grader in school has done wonders for her. She sings about the Declaration of Independence and Davey Crockett. She also knows lots of spanish words. My goodness, by the time she's in the second grade, she'll be in the sixth!


You can't see him, but Randy is running for cover. Graham hit the ball almost every time. We were surprised at how well he hit the ball, with zip-o experience. He has a knack. I'm thinking of signing him up in the spring!

"The grass is dirty," she says!

Hannah is in the question stage! Ug- an exhausting stage. If you tell her the sky is blue, she asks why. If you tell her, because God made is that way, she asks who is God. If you tell her God is our Father in Heaven, she asks what's a heaven... and on and on and on... After a while I give up and start asking her questions. And as a female... she always has an answer!

Jordan as a turtle

This boy is a ball of fun! He is such a hoot! His new word is "poo"! He comes and tells me or Daddy that he has poo in his diaper, EVERY TIME! What a great thing at 19months! Unfortunately, he thinks gas is poo, too. He walks around all day long saying "poo, poo, poo..." His favorite word is "choo" and he loves to say and wear "shoes". Do you hear a pattern?