Scooby Dooby Doooooo

Here we have a seven year old stuffed dog. Graham has had this since a baby. Nova, in her younger years, thought it was competition and chewed the tail and ears off. Now all you Mommas with children please don't leave me hangin... do you play vet with your kids? Hope I'm not the only one that puts Neosporin and band aids on stuffed toys. We also check temps and hospitalize if we have to. Graham has gotten so advanced with this imaginary play that he makes money to pay the bill and asks about insurance. One particular day band-aids and a cardboard box gurney just wasn't going to cut it. I was asked to participate in surgery. I had to fabricate a new tail and ears. (oh goodness, I should have paid attention when my Mother taught me to sew when I was 12) I found some brown felt and started the process of new extremities (with imaginary anesthesia of coarse). Hannah, then, brought me all the animals and dolls... and shirts in her room that has holes, tears and rips. Needless to say all wounds are fixed and I am out of black thread.

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