A Moon in the Morning

So this may be common with others, but definitely a first for me. Jordan undressed himself in the bed this morning. He had such a look of pride on his face I couldn't do anything but laugh. I was thankful that this particular morning was just a 'wet' diaper. If he does this with a poo-poo diaper I WON'T be laughing!!!

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1 comment:

Kristin said...

Two things. Avery and Tanner fight like the dickens. Actually they are as I am typing this. I will pray for you and you do the same for me. Second, all I can say for the undressing is footie pj's with diaper pins in the top to keep the zipper up. That is the only thing that keeps me sane and allows me to sleep. Tanner does the same thing. I woke up to the other the day after christmas....needless to say he had a bath before 7 am. GOOOOOODDDD LUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK.