Jordan Cleans my Floors

Why in the world would I clean my floors when I have Jordan to do it for me? I let this go on for the video, but the norm is to nip it in the bud. He will throw a fit if you look at him sideways these days. Ahhhh- the toddler tantrums. One more to go! Give me strength, Lord!


Anonymous said...

I could paste benji's head on him and you'd see what happens at our house, too! my favorite is when he lays his head gently to the floor before throwing the tantrum!

Kristin said...

Avery still does must have it good for only having one left doing that!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! I love toddlers. My third one is 2 1/2, on her way out, I'm gonna miss this stage.

This page has brought a smile to my face, and a tickle inside me. Your family is beautiful, I can almost feel your joy.