Early Birthday Present...

Trampoline Mania

Yes, we got a trampoline for the kids. It's a combo present for Hannah and Graham (their Birthdays are 2 weeks apart). But really the whole family is reaping the fun. I must say my little peanut is the only one adjusting. He is so light that he just gets flung about when we jump. So, we give "Jordan jumping time" and he likes that. Daddy is the master jumper and can easily clear the top of the trampoline. We jump several times a day and it is great exercise. I am left sweaty and out of breath. Daddy even rigged up a hose and sprayer along a tree and the kids jump while water sprays on them in the hot of the day. They are out there for hours... Praise the Lord for some quiet time!!! I love it! It wears them out and they pass out around 8 pm most nights... just exhausted!

Mud Mania

Even though this event is old school here in Columbia, we were rookies to it. This was our first experience with Mud Mania. The kids had a blast (except for Jordan). Even Hannah showed her dirty side and jumped in. There was an obstacle coarse for big kids, a mini coarse for little ones, and a giant mud pit. The day was full of "Oh my Gosh!" and "Look at you!" What a great idea letting kids get muddy (and not on my own property either). We had to really figure out how to get them clean and in the car. Hannah stepped on a bee, Jordan screamed the whole time we were there, and Graham ate enough dirty to where he wasn't hungry for lunch.
Check out all the dirty pictures in "My Flickr Collection" located in the top right-hand column of this blog labeled "MUD Mania 09"



Military Mud Training