Grandma comes to visit!

My Grandma, from Florida, paid us a lovely visit. We ALL enjoyed her spending the weekend with us. Randy must us told me a dozen times how cool my G'ma was. Hannah and Graham had a blast. Jordan took a little warming up to. I even think Nova loved having her around. We are looking forward to seeing her again soon!
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We went crafting

What do any Iglesias women do when they get together? They do a craft, of coarse! I had a neat craft planned for me and G'ma. We did a little gourd carving. First, we had to go to the local craft store for pipe cleaners and goo-goo eyes. Hannah and G'ma found silly hats and posed. Grandma, you look gggggrrrrreat!
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Grandma's Visit

The whole reason Grandma came to visit was because my Aunt Grace and her family came to SC to go camping. Grandma voted to sleep in Graham's bottom bunk over a tent. They camped at Dreher Island, came back to pick her up on Sunday and then headed home to Sunny Florida!
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Last Day of Grandma's visit

We took this picture after church right before she had to go home. See the sneaky little rabbit behind us. We went to the farmer's market and bought gourds to make critters for the yard. (More pictures on them later) We had a wonderful visit and the children kept asking when she was coming back!
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Cooking Class Friday

This Friday, Hannah and Graham made Pear Bear Muffins. We are really utilizing the free pears from Mr. Gene's tree! Cooking has helped Graham with fractions in math and also we talk science during cooking. Hannah loves to help any way she can! Jordan was off to the side playing with the empty cake mix boxes. He provides the entertainment. The muffins were made with pears, spice cake and orange juice. They really come alive at the end with a cute bear face...
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Fill 'er up

So, I let them have at it! I told them what to do and then just stepped back. It was hilarious to watch them fill the muffin cups. When they were done you really couldn't tell where the muffins stopped and the pan started. I did end up having to wipe around the muffins.
That was the only thing I helped with, promise!
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Into the oven

They added pear ears and into the oven they went.
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Pear Bear Muffins!

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Our workout room

Here is the porch newly done. When we first moved into our house, Graham kicked every single screen out with his foot. When his Daddy and I asked why he said he thought it was! It was a grand total of 15 screens. Well, he was punished and we told him that when we redid the porch he would have to help, and he did. He helped paint and hammer. (Not much of a punishment, cause he had fun :) Randy and I got the Bowflex as a Birthday present to each other. We love it!
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Graham's NEW bed

Here is Graham's new bed. We knew we needed to get one with two boys. I knew how expensive they were new, so we grabbed our money strings tightly and started searching. We got this used from Craige's List. It was used by two girls and came with pink linen that I gave to Hannah. We got the bed very reasonable and he loves the two big drawers that he can shove his clothes in. Jordan makes it up to the top and then cries to get down. Hannah has not been very adventurous. Graham loves it and we are so glad we found and awesome be. He's ready to invite his cousins and best bud, Harrison over for a sleepover. I just hope no one falls and puts a tooth thru their lip like I did as a kid....
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Big Boy Bed

Yes, his Daddy and I already forsaw what he would do... Shoot from the top bunk. Graham is total army, war, tanks and guns right now. We made a fort at the top. Now, he and Nova [the dog] can both stretch out!
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Graham's Big Birthday Present

This is Graham's computer. The boy is in heaven. He can surf the web thru Google and You Tube. He has several favorite games and even a email address. I am trying to teach him about type and email know how. Drop hime a line:
Jordan loves Graham's room and basically worships Graham's every last breath. He does just what Graham does. He is trying to spit in the sink while brushing his teeth, just like his big bro. He loves being in his room. Even thought Jordan doesn't say much, you can tell he feels manly in Graham's room and wishes never to speak of sleeping in a pink room! That is why we got the bunkbed. Hopefully soon the boys can romp together and the princess can have her, much needed, privacy.
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Big Girl Bed

So, Hannah got Graham's old bed. This bed has been around. Before it when from room to room in our house it was my sister-in-law's. She loves looking at her books in bed. It's funny how tiny she looks sleeping after seeing her sleep on a crib mattress for sooooo long! We promised to paint it pink.
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Big Girl Bed

She thinks it's the most wonderful thing, ever!
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Cooking Class Friday

Friday is cooking class day. Instead of our normal spanish lesson, we put on our fancy aprons (made by Nanna G) and make an excited dish. Today we picked pears from Mr. Gene's pear tree, next door, and made a simple organic pear pie. It was fun and fast. The kids got to have it for lunch and I was super Mom for about an hour! Yeah me! I'm sure Daddy will be more than thrilled to come home to homemade pie!

Hand pressed crust

"Let me do it", "No, it's my turn"... everyone helped press the crust into the pie pan!
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Hand pressed crust

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Heart's and Stars

They cut out hearts and stars for the top crust.
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The filling

We poured our pears into the hand pressed crust!
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All Done

Presto, pie! The kids ate half of it before I could get a picture. Umm, pie is a well balanced lunch, right?
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Just another Thursday!

Just another manic... Thursday. Wait, that's not the song. I just say manic and add whatever day it is. The Ramsey household is standing firm this week with Graham adding 3 digit numbers, Hannah being her normal dramatic self and Jordan... who still doesn't say anything. The boy doesn't talk. We are still waiting for some long sentence to come busting out. I guess being third he doesn't have to say much.

Randy got us a new Bowflex Revolution and it is something. [ ]We had the back porch fixed up and it's now our home gym. Yes- I've been cranking it. I will start posting muscle shots. I'm looking to loose those last five baby pounds and maybe get a little cut. Randy and I are on this total protien drink trip and having a blast. We'll see. I'll get busy on some 'pre shots' and then post them with my 6 week muscle shots. Be on the edge of your seats....


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Petting farm at the zoo

I said 'smile'! Who knew the goat would actually do it!!!
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I love goats!

Me and my little peanut petting the goats! That's my nephew Cross down below! These goats were fat!
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In the barn

Daddy and Jordan checking out the turkey! It was a HOT day! Heat mixed with animal smells was... interesting!
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Oldest brings wisdom... and patience.

Now that's a good looking kid! Looks and smarts! We'll just have to beat the girls off with a stick!
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Pretty Little Gilr

What a pretty little girl! She is just like sunshine, bright and beautiful!!!
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